One Night Only is here!
Finally it's here and in HQ. Download and enjoy. It's amazing. I love it more and more with each listen. ![]() One Night Only (Deena And The Dreams Disco Version) One Night Only (Extended Version)* * It has a different ending than the other one I posted. |
Comments on "One Night Only is here!"
Beyonce sounds great! I can't wait to hear the rest of the soundtrack!
FINALLY here it is!!!! i'm so happy to finaly can hear a Dreamgirls Movie version song, Beyoncé sounds amazing, really!!!I love this version, but i'm more attracted by the original version!
You blog is simply AMAZING!!!! you can be proud, i come everyday & lots of time in a day,J'AdOOooOre!
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Thanks for a great site!
I wish they hadn't cut the rest of the lyrics of the song. Not bad Beyonce, but I prefer the original. This one will definitely grow on me.
Thanks! Beyonce sounds excellent! I love this version. She's most definitely gonna be a great Deena Jones!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks for the love everybody. I do it for all the fans and the soon to be fans. Cant wait till we hit em full force!
Platninum princess, it's the same song it jsut that one of them is extended. No real difference except the end is longer.
Hey Lisa .. Thanks so much for the sampler. I've heard it so many times it made my iTunes crazy and go on strike if it can. :)
Nastacia said...Thanks for the sample,Beyonce sounds wonderful.I cant wait to here the rest of the soundtrack either.The movie looks like it is going to be an splash.Im waiting on it as well.I hope that all of them win a OSCAR for this movie.GOOD LUCK TO ALL THEM!
oh.. we all KNEW she would tear it up damn.. if anyone knows where i could get an intrumental of the song please please say
Check out the killer remixes of One night only at
A must have for all Dreamfans!
Please, can anybody re-upload the song One Night Only (Deena And The Dreams Disco Version) and One Night Only (Extended Version)? I love that song! Thank you very much in advance!
someone can write the One Night Only Lyric?
j'ai hate d'aller le voir
j'entends beaucoup de bien du film "dreamgirls"
je serais une des premières en France à aller le voir
I'm excited to see how the girls do, but listening to the soundtrack, I'm stoked about the performance Eddie Murphy is going to give. Shades of a serious version of his SNL James Brown.
she is soo untalented..its a damn shame that she is only recognized for her "beauty", shes not even the star of the movie, Jennifer Hudson is. Jennifer Hudson did a magnificent job and she was the star of the show, why did they give her a supporting actress nomination? thats sooo stupid!!!! they should have given that to Beyonce, really they should not have given her anything becasue she can not act. I swear if Beyonce gets nominated for an Oscar, Im gonna protest because the bithc cant act.Also, i want eveyone to recognize how everyone says they cant recognize her in the movie ( kinda like its a compliment), they dont say anything about her acting ability. This is becasue she had a page worth of lines in the whole movie and there was a portion in the movie where she just changed clothes through out the movie.Jennifer Hudson had better win the Golden Globe and an Oscar. She can sing and she can act!
GO Jennifer!!!!
ok well seann i thiiknk that jenn is the best singer i have ever heard.So shut up and you are a real potty mouth..........loserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..............see you in the winners circle
You are right Beyonnce is very untalented. But you know what they say... Pretty girls finish first.
Jennifer was the star of the show. I was like who in the hell did she support? She was the STAR!
Not to mention, being one of the richest men in the industry concubine helps her too.
my god! beyonnce was the hottest of all!! c'mon.. am i rite? she is too hot to handle!!!
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