Hey people, its about that time again. I've gotten some e-mails about different DREAMGIRLS shows around the country. Since some of them have not confirmed their details yet I will only post info about the Indianapolis show and then update later. A few people have e-mailed me about the Indianapolis show and this one is kind of special. It's special for a couple reasons but mainly because there is another American Idol in the cast. Trenyce from season two of American Idol is playing Deena Jones; she is joined by Joyce Licorish (Effie), and Lyn MacDonald (Lorell) who's played as Deena in the Broadway performance of DREAMGIRLS. The show is being directed by Bob Harbin and chreographed by Ken Shepard. It's been running for a week and is receiving rave reviews. DREAMGIRLS in Indianapolis will run from June 22nd to July 14th at Walker Theatre, tickets can be brought at ticketmaster.com. To find out more about the show, ticket price, and performers click here. Also, try and check out Joyce Licorish's website, she is an amazing singer and she is already getting great reviews for her portrayal of Effie White.
Stay tuned for more updates about upcoming DREAMGRIRLS shows in your area.
If anyone has info about other DREAMGIRLS shows please feel free to e-mail me with details and I will post it on the site. Thanks! |
Comments on "DREAMGIRLS in Indianapolis"
Exciting news, but Trenyce was in the second season. LOL!!!!
Thanks anonymous. I was not sure about what season she was on. It's fixed!
I saw this production (and subbed for someone in the pit actually), it was really good. The costumes were amazing, and Trenyce (Deena), and Joyce (Effie), were amazingly solid the whole show. Definitely worth seeing! And the show is actually now in a different location (Scottish Rite Cathedral) in Indianapolis :)
Being a professional performer myself and having done and seen many shows nationally and internationally, I would put this production of Dreamgirls up there with the very best of them on Broadway and beyond.
Producer Billy Myers has raised the bar to new heights in community/professional theater here in Indianapolis.
Angela Brown –
Professional Opera Singer
Not only was the presentation worthy of Broadway, but the collaborative effort of both the Walker theatre and Scottish Rite was truly an inspirational idea.
I have had the pleasure of seeing Dreamgirls from Backer Auditions in New York (early eighties) through a recent performance of the show at the Scottish Rite Performing Arts Center. As I shared with Bill Myers after the show, I have seen the show more than forty times, and your show clearly ranks amongst one of the better companies that I have seen. The Indianapolis Dreamgirls Company at times could rival the Broadway Company of Dreamgirls.”
I must commend the performance made by Trenyce, Karlton D. Turner, and Bill Myers. Both Joyce and Lyn were good but not exceptional.
I thought Dreamgirls was one of the best productions I have ever seen in my life and I have seen plays on Broadway and all over the country. Every single scene was done well and the music and acting was also superb! I told as many people about it as I could so they, too, could experience this artistic excellence.
The collaboration with the Scottish Rite Theater was impressive and I think this should continue. As director of Multicultural Education for IPS, I only wish our students and teachers could have been there also. Keep up the outstanding work!
I am writing to express my gratitude to Bill Myers for the tremendous effort that it took to bring Dreamgirls to fruition in Indianapolis. I know there were many others involved and I wish to send my thanks to them, as well.
Four friends saw Dreamgirls at the Scottish Rite. We were amazed at the performance and the range of emotions we found ourselves feeling as a result of the wonderful acting and music (band and singing).
Thank you, thank you, thank you for bringing that caliber of art into our lives. I hope to see more from you.
I had the supreme pleasure of seeing Dreamgirls at the Scottish Rite Cathedral on the last Friday night and still haven't come down off of cloud 9!!! It was absolutely SPECTACULAR. I must honestly admit that I came to the venue with the preconceived notion that this was an Indianapolis production that would be marred by local, amateurish dust. Man, was I greatly mistaken…
…An interesting side note is the fact that we often run our mouths and play intellectual gymnastics about cultural diversity and community inclusion and this edition of Dreamgirls was just that!! There were people from every race, color, religion and creed all sitting together, all laughing together, all being entertained together under ONE roof. Many of these very individuals because of community housing and other demographic factors would never have the chance to let alone speak to one another. Dreamgirls was the vehicle that made the idea of "let's unite and get to know one another" a reality…
…If we could continue to have these New York City caliber productions here in Indianapolis, the cultural and artistic institutions would be supremely blessed.
This past April when producer Bill Myers called me, I was intrigued and excited about the cultural diversity concept of Dreamgirls, I was not disappointed. It was superbly done.
Being well acquainted with theater, and always willing to voice my opinion about show quality, I must say how much my family and friends thoroughly enjoyed the show on the opening weekend at Madame Walker…
We were all (seven of us, five visitors from England) “blown away." I was the first on my feet for a standing ovation and one of the last to leave the theatre. I was still soaking up one of the best productions I have seen…
Thanks Bill, it was great!
Thank you to everyone who made it out to see Dreamgirls!!! The show was a great success.
I appreciate the hard work and dedication of each and everyone involved in the production. Without it the show would not have made the huge impact on us or our community. I'm sad to see the show end, but let's not allow the spirit in which the show was done to end. Always remember "Alone we can do good things, but together we can do some amazing things!!"
Let's continue to celebrate and embrace cultural diversity.
Bob Harbin
I thank God for the dreamer and I thank you for sharing the dream.
Bill Myers
A true visionary... Thanks for grabbing hold of the dream and having enough foresight to see it through to a reality.
Sandra Gay, Kenny Shepard, John Phillips, Allen Burke & Jeff Farley
Each of your talents has not gone unnoticed. Without you the dream would still be that, just a dream. You help to cultivate and grow the seed that was planted over a year ago into a beautiful garden.
Cast, Crew, & Orchestra
What can I say? We have been on an amazing journey. I know for some of you it was your first experience and others have been doing this for many, many years. Whatever the case may be, please don't take this blessing for granted. We never know when we'll get another opportunity to travel down this road again. I thank God for each and every one of you. And I pray God's favor and blessings over your lives.
"Keep listening for the COW BELL!!!"
James "Thunder" Early
Hello Everyone, it's me Joyce Licorish, "Effie White" from the Indianapolis production of Dreamgirls.
Firstly thank so much to you for even posting our Indianapolis production on this site. I stumbled upon this page today when doing a search for all of the reviews from Dreamgirls to add to my press kit.
The experience was amazing, it was definitely the most challenging role Ive ever played and the most talented group of people I have ever worked with.
I thank Bob Harbin the DIRECTOR of Dreamgirls for his vision and for his drive and for allowing me to be a part of something this amazing. Unfortunately, some behind the scene things caused some conflict and ill-feelings between some of the cast and staff, but overall the experience was a 10! I would do it again in a heartbeat, I am proud and feel blessed and honored to have been a part of something so powerful. Thanks for the love, and thanks to all the reviewers for the honest and heartfelt reviews. This has been an excellent stepping stone in my career as an actress and vocalist.
Continued blessings to all of you.
Joyce Licorish
"Effie Melody White"
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